Monday 3 October 2016

A Gala Night

What do we normally do on the weekends? sleep, shop, dine or visit a place. The same options every weekend. How about pursuing a hobby or developing an interest which we had always dreamt of but never plunged in to gain an experience. These are the people who are constant search of something new. DHE is bringing you an opportunity to witness one such new experience. A GALA Night is in making process for a big event consisting dance, drama, music etc. Work has begun and students of DHE are in all zest to entertain the audience.  When I asked these guys what drives you to buy some time from your normal routine and enable you to do something like this, they gave me such answers that made me wonder if these guys are artists or some spiritual masters. I want to mention some of those answers from the students which moved me:

vikram, " Poetry is something which is in my mind 24*7. Whether I am working, dreaming, traveling etc. I think life lies outside your comfort zone. Then you realize, how less human you were yesterday after exploring a new poem today."

Jitesh, " It's not draining task. Actually I look forward to weekend where I can learn something new about me and the craft every weekend. It's all about learning in the end. And I think we are a student first then an employee." 

Akash, " Stage is life for me. I feel alive when people laugh at me for being foolish. I am not a serious actor yet I take comedy seriously. And it comes naturally to me."

I was amazed to see such zeal in these people for a small task. May be it seems small to the world, but for them they are doing something new and exploring something different from their mundane life. This reminded me of a very good quote by a renowned film-maker. 

"I'm a story teller; that's what exploration is all about. Going to places where others haven't  been and returning to tell a story they haven't heard before."  - James Camerron

-Akshay Kowe

I'm a storyteller; that's what exploration really is all about. Going to places where others haven't been and returning to tell a story they haven't heard before. James Cameron
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I'm a storyteller; that's what exploration really is all about. Going to places where others haven't been and returning to tell a story they haven't heard before. James Cameron
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I'm a storyteller; that's what exploration really is all about. Going to places where others haven't been and returning to tell a story they haven't heard before. James Cameron
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